It's been a while, but I am here. I've been quiet. I've been getting in touch with the deepest parts of me. Sometimes we have to retreat. Sometimes we need to be with just ourselves. Sometimes we need to listen to what our hearts have to say.
I've just started an ecourse called Playing Big with Tara Mohr. It's so much more than an ecourse. It's become this amazing group of 100 or so women who are all yearning and eager to play big in their lives. We're discussing our callings in life. We're sharing our stories that have gotten us to this place. We're shifting our thinking and asking ourselves some hard questions.
What does playing big look like in my life? What if I listen to those whispers inside my heart pulling me towards my dreams? What if I don't listen to the inner critic that keeps me stifled? What if I peel back the layers of my story and discover that I truly have all that I need to succeed right now?
This is where I am. Thinking. Writing. Just being. And that's ok.